
Friday, February 3, 2012

Rescue 911

My drive home from work began like any other.

Recently thankful for my new prescription sunglasses, (where have you been my entire life?) as I stared into the Arizona sunset.  That thing is no joke and 4.75 years of the 5 years I've lived here, I've squinted my way home with out thinking twice.  I'm not one to wear contacts, especially to work, so regular sunglasses have not been an option for me.  No wonder I've developed an alarming amount of crows feet in the last year or so. 

So, I'm driving home, in a daze as I watch this blue car (I'm later told is a Nissan) swerve back and forth at an accelerated pace.  First I assumed someone was being silly while steering like an idiot then it became stupid and then scary.  The car was nearly tipping over it was jerking so violently.  We all slow down (on the 101 heading south), trying to stay as far away from this maniac as we watch him slam the car into the left median.  He regains control and continues to drive as if nothing ever happened then slams himself into the right guard rail. 

I dial 911. 

I kept such distance I had no idea the make or model and certainly didn't know the license plate # but I assumed calling with the little info I had was better then nothing.  I can't even tell you the last time I dialed 911.  There was unexpected anxiety as I pressed the last 1.  They must have been busy because there was a good minute of hold music.  I panicked, rehearsing what I just witnessed over and over in my head.  It happened so fast and I didn't want to give them the wrong information.  I was thinking of the hold music I've heard while waiting for my Dr's office to answer and how they instruct you to hang up and dial 9-1-1 in an emergency.  Ha.  Who do you call when 9-1-1 has you waiting ?!! They finally answer.  I tell the dispatcher everything I know as I'm keeping my distance from the nut job.  Then I feel guilty.  Maybe they are having a seizure or heart attack?  Maybe the passenger is assaulting them? 

I find out I'm 1 of only 2 people who called on the sporadic driver.  

I watched the blue car make a last minute exit and rush off the highway as I told the call receiver all I knew. 


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